6 Aug 2015 compliance with the “General Land Area Minimum” of Chapter 40B's the Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) of the DHCD (the numerator) 



•Local Action can be a Special Permit or other zoning approval, funding (CPA, Trust,  etc.), donation of land or buildings, inclusionary, etc. Chapter 40B Status: Housing Production Plan (HPP) approved by DHCD April 25, 2019. Walpole Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) as of June 2020. Guidelines & Regulations: Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40B.

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FUT gå. Bulgarien; 9515 Kilometer. SHI Group Limited. 1357 Hu Qing Ping Hwy 512B Tyskland; 7720 Kilometer.

ZBA has discretion to reject 40B application if <12 months elapsed since the filing, pendency, final disposition (including appeals) or withdrawal of an application for any approval related to construction on the same land of a prior project (non-residential or < 10% SHI eligible units).

40b shi

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40b shi

(Two years is the maximum – additional percentages don’t yield additional years of safe harbor). All units in Chapter 40B rental developments count as part of the Subsidized Housing Inventory as opposed to only the actual affordable units in homeownership projects.

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Boga ert24 40B. Ve ryFi ne 500 * 1670 -CHIN,lotof7cas h:HaiLi ngWa ng,Ch e n g-l ung(2) ;Shi hTs ung,Ta -ti ng( 5,ofwhi ch2d ate d1188and oneda ted1189 

Representative listings of Chapter 40B-related documents available at the DHCD, HAC, and MassHousing websites are provided at the end of this outline. BE SURE THAT YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE MASSACHUSETTS COMPREHENSIVE PERMIT LAW (M.G.L. c. 40B, §§ 20-23), CHAPTER 40B REGULATIONS (“760 CMR 56.00: COMPREHENSIVE PERMIT: 2020-07-28 · Chapter 40 B Planning and Information Chapter 40B is a state statute, which enables local Zoning Boards of Appeals to approve affordable housing developments under flexible rules if at least 20-25% of the units have long-term affordability restrictions. Chapter 40B is one of the state's most successful affordable housing production tools, with over 70,000 homes created across the state.. Also known as the Comprehensive Permit Law, Chapter 40B was enacted in 1969 to help expand the number of communities and neighborhoods where households with low and moderate incomes could secure a safe, affordable home.